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  • apanda5

Initial challenges and new relationships

Hi again! I will keep this post relatively short as this was a pretty slow week. I focused most of my time and energy conducting data collection for the economies I have been assigned to for the labor team, which are mostly the Caribbean and Central American countries. I spent much of the week reaching out to legal experts to get them to complete the survey, which—admittedly—is not the most glamorous work but also needs to be done.

This was frustrating at times because I struggled to get in touch with legal experts from these economies. Due to time constraints, many lawyers declined to participate in the survey. Some asked for compensation in return for their contribution, which is against WBL’s policy. With that being said, many experts did offer to help me complete the survey and, in this process, I met some lovely lawyers who talked about how they have spent their entire careers pushing for women’s rights within their countries. This was so inspiring. For example, I learned from one lawyer in a small central American country that it is the women who call the shots in within the judiciary system and, in fact, some of their most senior justices to-date have been women! This was so uplifting to hear.

The Interns Re-Unite!

The other exciting thing that happened this week was the Intern Social. The interns reunited to discuss how their internships have been going. It was so nice to see everyone again. We zoomed in from different locations. What started off as a purely professional conversation eventually turned into a casual chat between friends. We talked about our personal interests, hobbies, backgrounds, and the kinds of things that motivate us to do what we do. We talked about what we see ourselves doing after graduate school, where we want to live, etc. It was so nice to get to know the other interns at a deeper level. I hope we do more of these events in the future!

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